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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2012 4:48pm-5:18pm EST

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better than just letting the j.p. morgan run the financial system and that's what you were asking the feds. now your critic your you're critical of the government and at least being in charge so i guess you have a point about the fact that that's only the j.p. morgans of the world in charge who does he think is running it now j.p. morgan it's goldman sachs it's wells fargo it's it's all the big banks i mean that and they are they are the ones who ran to the big banks set up the fed when they had a meeting in jekyll island georgia. senator nelson aldrich who was the son of john d. rockefeller and j.p. morgan himself and all the other big bankers they wrote the federal reserve act they promoted the federal reserve act the federal reserve exist to benefit the big bankers so they so dr baker is is is not just i mean it's a very it's a very silly point this is who runs it and who and so it's the fed is run for the benefit of the big banks of the government big government contractors like the
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military industrial complex and so forth and whether we saw you know what's going on in two thousand and eight when they as you mentioned what they do with these special bonds the number of a small prime dealers they have that they deal with now the fifteen trillion dollars worth of bailouts they directed to european banks is no tell and we still don't know until ron paul's audit the bill is through to get an actual independent audit the fed we have actually no idea what crimes they're committing but it is a special interest it is the j.p. morgans of the world who set up the fed wrote the fed act got is adopted and have run it ever since so if we if you don't want these special interest plutocrats running the economy then you don't want a federal reserve you want to money that the government can't print up money like gold and that can't be manipulated that can't be inflated so that the federal reserve uses its horrendous power to inflate to cause the business. michael to
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bring on recessions and depressions but to benefit the government itself and the special interest connected with the government especially the bankers so the spirit of j.p. morgan still hovers over the federal reserve and that's an exact example of why there was a fed because j.p. morgan wanted a fed ok interesting point as you say that that public private partnership is a cartel for the schizm right that's fascism that's the for that's the definition of fascism or government of big business get together to stick it to the rest of us and so no i don't think fascism in money or in any other aspect of society is a good thing you know let me ask you this then because i really want to get to this nuclear story because u.s. regulators are perhaps nuclear plants for the first time since three mile island my question to you i know you're going to say you know government you don't trust but how can we trust big business which is driven by corporations and profits with something like expanding nuclear energy which has such high risk for everybody if it goes wrong well if we if we have if we have business that's unfettered and that is responsible to the customers
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a businessman does not want to radiate his customers i mean people don't want to harm their customers not good for business among other questions on the other hand the nucular industry is was one of these public private partnerships the federal government takes care of all the costs of disposing of spent fuel and they also have the through the price anderson act take care of it make sure that the very limited liability for nuclear power plants so because there is limited liability because they don't have to worry about the ways you can't trust them so it's absolutely true that people have questions about it i i'm entirely in sympathy even though my own view is that there could be a successful and very efficient and very useful nuclear power industry but in cahoots with the federal government we have to worry and of course fukushima was in something in cahoots with the. private utilities in japan and the japanese government and general electric and it's it's. all its equipment and so for them it's the same thing in this country so p. . all right to be suspicious on the other hand if we want to have sufficient energy
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and we desperately need more in ordering then one of the things we could do is allow a free market the nuclear power industry but you know as long as you get the the lying n.r.c. it just came out as you may remember recently they lied about fukushima to us i mean they their internal emails showed the truth and they were you lying to the american people and long to the world you can't trust the government to be anything but a monopolistic ripoff that's that's a really interesting answer you gave on that i'm glad we got to that question i've had i've covered uranium plants with issues at the n.r.c. too in the us so i'm glad we touched on that it's always a pleasure thank you so much for being on the show. exactly of chairman of the ludwig bunmi things institute.
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ok so we want to give your three things on a few things before we go let's bring dimitri kofi anna then shannon donahoe in the control room because i know we've been talking about the greek debt crisis a lot but it's important because it has really broad ramifications let's first hear what it sounds like from washington. d.c. is the moment to concede. if there is a minimum of compliance with the requirements. this is a moment to turn the page and to. extinguish these things could. explode it sounds really pressing as he was talking about that at the peterson institute yesterday this is what it looks and sounds like of course from grease though so if we could show some of that but i think we have it of protests and that sort of thing so we don't ever want to fall into that washington trap and we luckily do have
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a unique situation where our producer dimitri is greek he covered the protests in athens last june there he's been following the press and talking to his friends family in context dare to get a more accurate perspective so we want to talk a little bit about that dmitri because i know you've been seeing stuff that we just aren't and i really want you to convey to our viewers what that is that maybe everybody is missing is so i think what i found most interesting was last night i saw two speeches a speech by. the new democracy leader and another speech by the right populist leader who was brought in the lot of person was brought in during this coalition government. and unlike the middle ear mark the has a government run by technocrats he was able to appoint his cabinet ministers. by the most in greece actually has to deal with politicians so there's a there are issues. of negotiation there that don't exist in italy and he came out and said basically i don't speak english well so i requested a document that would show the agreement in greek so i could read it which is kind
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of absurd if you think about it you have a country that is ceding over sovereignty and it's being asked it's asking us politicians to sign a document that isn't even in its own language so we asked for a greek document and they gave me a complete one and they actually went on there was about twenty five minutes and we showed the documents and actually have in fact the very last paragraph we just made from the copy he was given there were material different that we have that are going to get him on national t.v. and divorced our audience right there you know into this knowing the difference in the papers so i thought that was pretty remarkable what about people that you talk to and the mood there and the reality there that we're just not getting in the headlines oh they didn't reach a deal you know to go ahead and i mean people have been depressed for a while and they're hopeless and i think that and that that video and those negotiations of the fact that he said he's not going to sign the agreement he's one of the three leaders i think for the first time i legitimately feel like this may last deal may actually not go through you may actually get a default occurring before march because you have people actually saying they're
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not going to go along with it and they're part of this new government they put together the only next step really at this point is might have to actually create a unity government full of technocrats and after that what did he say that he said if you don't vote for that then he said that there is no place for you right governor he gave he spoke and he said if you do not go along with this agreement then you cannot be in the government as a matter he said he said as a self-evident that you can't yeah so i mean this is it's really a pit pitting now between reality which is that they're pushing this country into a deeper deeper depression because people see stores closed the money supply has been contracting there is no longer roath. fling it's a depression environment that's not going to change until there's either default or some clear resolution in my view that only as a. doesn't mean that they have to exit the euro i know i know ok so we want to get that in let's leave on a light note because it is friday so let's lighten it up let's just show this list which captured all of our imaginations on how to date
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a wall street man if we could throw up those bullet points because some of the advice is the most really alarming tell stories that are short and sweet because the mind of a wall street man is always moving so rapidly there is one sexy. don't get upset if he checks his blackberry so not to make a bad joke but are you supposed to hand over your sovereignty as a woman in order for it to have an honor of dating a. complete different if you did it was true woman. that's a hole in the story that they're going. to get the final word on this because we're out of time unfortunately. i don't know anybody what op who would want i don't know a woman who would want to occupy her time with a wall street man because they've been employing some suspect behavior recently yeah and i don't think anybody wants to be seen with them anyway. not to mention they're all getting so many are getting laid off it's not like they're the. these
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days anyway that's all we have time for we want to leave you on a slightly lighter note but thanks so much for watching feel free to follow me on twitter at warren lister and give us feedback that you tube dot com slash capital account i'm lauren lyster from everyone here at capital account have a great night and a great weekend. well
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with. science technology innovation called the least of elements from around russia we've dumped a huge earth covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything
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you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hardy welcome to the big picture. it's a scene straight out of an action flick assassins on motorcycles playing a magnetic bomb on a car with a scientist in it but this is no movie is the most recent killing of an iranian nuclear scientist and now reports say israel is to blame and bring you the very latest on the strong. it was terry the very revolutionary and very successful. or created the modern we as the protests that changed the course of the labor labor movement here in the u.s. seventy five years later we take a look back at the flint sit down strike and show your. the issues workers fought for then are still relevant today. president obama used the most of.
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your prose your. way with a new gingrich to blame a national crisis on one man meanwhile millions of americans are living hand to mouth and using food stamps to survive and it's not just the poorest of the poor that need a helping hand explain. it's friday february tenth five pm here in washington d.c. my name is christine you're watching our t.v. one more tension on this friday evening between israel and iran sanctions imposed by the united states and other countries on iran are starting to have a deep impact for the people seventy four million who live in the country and many now finding it more and more difficult to have access to food and money meanwhile two senior u.s. officials have confirmed to n.b.c.
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news that the people's mujahedeen of iran a dissident group known also as and ek worked in conjunction with the mossad israel's national intelligence agency in carrying out the assassinations of iranian nuclear scientists now the m e k is listed in the united states official terrorist group list though the group has been removed from the terrorist list in the u.k. and the european union now to talk about this relationship with the rising tensions and what many now view as the pretext for war let's go to max blumenthal a writing fellow with the nation institute max let's talk first about this relationship between the mossad and the m.e. kay and whether or not you think this is is significant. this is that salut least significant and the reason it's significant is because these stories are tumbling out in the mainstream press in the united states about israel using terrorist groups terrorist proxies to attack iran to carry out what the federation of
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american scientists call terrorist attacks inside iran before this story we had a story by mark perry in foreign policy about israeli mossad officers posing as cia officers conducting a false flag operation to use members of the pakistani jungle a terrorist group to carry out assassinations inside iran kerry sources were absolutely solid his story was not challenged by anyone in the united states and now we have a story by n.b.c. and d.c.'s chief middle east correspondent richard engel quoting u.s. intelligence officials meeting people in the cia who are clearly furious about what the israeli mossad is doing confirming that israel is a used the marxist islam islam islamic terror call the peoples and the k. the carry out assassinations inside iran acts that secretary of state hillary clinton has sought to distance the united states from so we have
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a situation where the u.s. is in conflict with israel and at the center of it is this bizarre terror call yet so interesting when you sort of connect the dots here because you know i should say there are people in iran who believe the cia is involved but as a member of the terrorist list here the cia cannot be involved cannot be working with the any case though if you do have you know connecting the dots to israel working with the m.e. kay and the cia doing whatever over here but certainly wanting to maintain that strong relationship with israel it seems there could be some problems i had. absolutely the in the united states. at least on the intelligence community and i know that states in the diplomatic corps seems to want nothing to do with this group because this group worked with saddam hussein carried out attacks on americans carried out attacks on the iranians while it was the control of saddam hussein and therefore has no credibility inside iran an illegitimate president so
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it's something the u.s. would want to get behind but at the same time this group is paid major figures in the united states a bipartisan coalition former homeland security director tom ridge former f.b.i. director louis freeh former new york mayor rudy giuliani former democratic presidential candidate howard dean alan dershowitz the you know high powered pro israel trial lawyer all these figures have been paid to shill on behalf of the peoples any k. which is now confirmed as a terror organization what they're doing is trying to get it removed from the state department terrorist list so the question is if these figures say it's not a terrorist organization just because they're being paid to and i'm not sure where that money is coming from it doesn't mean that it's really not a terror organization is this just not terrorism i think it's a good question and certainly at least here in d.c. they have the commercials are often on t.v.
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on various channels about taking the m e k off the list and the importance of that and i always it wondered myself sort of where that money was coming from max i spent a lot of yesterday at c packer in washington the conservative political action conference and listen to several of the speakers there marco rubio michele bachmann and as you can imagine there was a lot of talk about. israel the importance of the relationship with israel and why president obama. is a really bad friend to israel and. it was even said by one person sort of a friend to iran in some ways talk a little bit about this new information coming out and how it sort of changes the political chessboard and how it sort of plays into politics in washington as well i'm not sure if the new information changes anything i mean what we're just seeing is a sustained campaign. in which president obama is being attacked as an enemy of israel and deep deep immersion by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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and his proxies in this presidential campaign because netanyahu is goal is to overthrow two regimes one in tampa and the other in washington he wants to overthrow barack obama and replace him with someone like mitt romney who surrounded himself with neo conservatives who want to attack iran carry out what israel wants to do would probably can't do so the heat there is a shadow war going on israel is a partisan wedge issue it's being used as a culture war issues like abortion or gay marriage to attack the president and the goal is regime change in iran and one of the key proxies in this is sheldon adelson the multi billionaire backer of newt gingrich who may soon shift to backing mitt romney sheldon adelson is one of netanyahu his closest friends he owns a newspaper that backs netanyahu and israel israel hi own he he's funded several
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think tanks that provide netanyahu with advisors and i want to know as netanyahu had any discussions with sheldon adelson during this campaign that's really the key question at the american media should be asking him isn't asking following that money that always leads to some pretty interesting answers as we know let's talk a little bit about sort of this geo political chessboard that we're experiencing right now today i believe you know india has india has become by the way the number one gasoline or oil consumer from iran india now saying they want to get involved they want to send people into iran india often a good friend to the u.s. so connects them other dots sort of around this initial story regarding the mossad and any k. and talk a little bit about bigger issues here regarding the u.s. and iran and what you imagine we could be seeing in the coming weeks. well
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there are a lot of regional proxies the united states could work through to pursue a diplomatic track instead what the united states has done and president obama has done is he's been forced into. one more one and one sanctions regime after another one more the next thing they want to do is sanction the telecommunications industry which we with according to proponents those who are lobbying for these that is in washington cause catastrophic effects on the iranian economy so what they've been forced to do is basically attack and wage economic warfare and terror on the iranian middle and working class sanctions that are doing nothing to stop iran's nuclear program and what and the diplomatic track is the only answer the p five plus one an initiative was about to take place turkey taking the lead right before this assassination inside iran of the scientists that we're talking about so clearly israel wanted to foil these negotiations israel will do whatever it takes
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to foil negotiations it's the same thing they've done with the palestinians for decades and and this is the danger every time negotiations come up we see one of these kind of terror attacks so. the next you know throughout this election campaign so a very dangerous time and one of the only responses barack obama has to get to get the republicans off his back is to pass more sanctions which damage the iranian middle class and hurt the american economy that's right there certainly on a lot of talk that sort of causing pain to the people won't bring the leaders back to the bargaining table that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon though and that's blumenthal writing fellow at the nation institute thanks for having me. also i had here on our team standing up for their rights by sitting down seventy five years after workers in flint michigan staged a sit in and change the labor movement are still plenty of lessons we can learn from them today that story.
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welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery to see where are we heading state controlled capital score sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our t.v.
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question more. well tomorrow marks the seventy fifth anniversary of the end of the flint sit down strike this is a big deal guys and really interesting too we're talking tens of thousands of people banding together to fight for better working conditions in u.s. auto manufacturing plants so it all started when the united auto workers union targeted two general motors plants and workers showed up at work and sat down inside so that new workers couldn't come in and replace them well in nearly shut down the company and before long other plants followed suit and well you could say it took a while but they got the attention of the big boys the heads of the auto makers let's fast forward to today this year so many of the same issues will come up again as the subject of unions is back up for debate now anti-union wisconsin governor scott walker faces a recall election in a few months because of his policies but as we sit here many states across the country are working hard to dismantle the rights so many fight for today and also fought hard. for seventy five years ago take
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a look. it started in late december one thousand thirty six workers that two general motors plants in flint michigan found their working conditions unbearable long hours no time for bathroom breaks and excessively cold conditions in the winter and hunt in the summer there were people who were dropping over because of the heat and other workers' rights will just step over them until we can get them out of the way they didn't they didn't slow down the line they didn't stop and. so the workers stopped at themselves by coming into work and sitting down it was it was tacky. very revolutionary and very successful and i think it was extremely important in creating the modern way john crawford works long hours on an assembly line today for the same company that was targeted in the sit down strike general motors workers have been down for forty four days that
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workers stayed put as their employers turned off the heat and blocked food deliveries it was the dead of winter but still they stayed sean crawford great grandfather was one of them he. was ashen we several times has job broken on two occasions was thrown off the list. because he was the question what a force is now three what started into manufacturing plants in flint michigan seventy five years ago is spread throughout the country with workers from both in and out of the auto industry taking part you could say it was the original occupy movement . the and the similarities are eerie. from the occupation itself.
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to the more extreme tactics. to the way in which they were dealt with by police they saw the flint police approaching in full riot gear they attacked with tear gas and guns. and violence just like today but you know what you're right perhaps the most striking parallel though the core issues they're fighting for one reason proffered joined occupy flint in so far that this is. where it is where you have more people who are drawing everyone else here humility that excess capital because you are here a struggle always despite historic battles fought and ground game and i am confident that after it's all over will. there will be a better understanding between employer and employee. and better still i hope the conditions will be improved under rich men and women labor.
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was. the confidence of labor friendly governor frank murphy prevailed on february eleventh one nine hundred thirty seven a deal was struck recognizing the united auto workers which had only been formed the year before as the exclusive bargaining representatives to g.m.'s employees the day. that shortly after a local business weekly declared the revolution is here they go. christine for south r.t. . and joining me now to talk about all of this and what it means today is labor journalist mike mike thanks for being here on the show let's talk a little bit about the significance of this anniversary i know it's being celebrated around the country tomorrow but what lessons have still need to be learned here i guess you know a lot of lessons you know what i found most interesting about that right there is that you know you brought the point that the u.a.w.
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has formed you for the struggle organizers are the plans have been going on for the better part of a decade and that one moment the real to come together and then a big lesson for the routers is we hear a lot of talk about you know i guess organizing is characterized by powerpoint and one year strategies and there's never this big long term picture of you know it might take ten thirteen years to organize a couple hundred workers but that's a struggle we need to keep an eye on and i think that's the biggest lesson is that sometimes change happens overnight but it happened as a result of a lot of organizing going for that i want to put up a headline that was in a newspaper and this is what it says this is caterpillar lays off locked out canadian workers moves jobs to low wage indiana i mean this is really interesting because becoming a right to work state. the article i'll also ask could indiana be the new mexico talk a little bit about what is going on right now in terms of this sort of dismantling of rights so caterpillar is a company that makes local.


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